Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sex and the City

“I'm homeless! I'll be a bag lady! A Fendi bag lady, but a bag lady!”- Carrie

“I like my money where I can see it, hanging in my closet.”- Carrie Bradshaw

“As we drive along this road called life, occasionally a gal will find herself a little lost. And when that happens, I guess she has to let go of the coulda, shoulda, woulda, buckle up and just keep going.”- Carrie Bradshaw

“What's really going on here is sex. Good, old-fashioned, eager-to-please, do-what-I-tell-you-to sex.”- Miranda

“There's two kinds of guys. The ones who hold your hand and the ones that f**k you.” – Samantha Jones

“I will never be the woman with the perfect hair, who can wear white and not spill on it.”

“Don’t play hard to get with a man who’s hard to get.” – Samantha Jones

‎'It took me a really long time to get here, but I’m here. Carrie, you’re the one.’ – Mr. Big 

"I can’t color enough, I would color all day every day If I had my way, I would use every crayon in my box.”- Samantha Jones

‘Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with them.’

"Think about it. If you are single, after graduation there isn’t one occasion where people celebrate you … Hallmark doesn’t make a “congratulations, you didn’t marry the wrong guy” card. And where’s the flatware for going on vacation alone?" -Carrie Bradshaw

‎"There isn't enough wall space in New York City to hang all of my exes. Let me tell you, a lot of them were hung." - Samantha








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